Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apparently I am SUPER fertile.

No, not in real life. If I was in real life, I'd have to just never have sex, because hell if I'm creating one of those little demonspawn they call children. No, I am talking about Fable 2. I got it yesterday and already it's Fable all over again. When I got Fable, I was gone so long they had me declared legally dead. It took months, no, YEARS of therapy to get me properly integrated back into society. Now the second one is out, and it's like the first on steroids, meaning I will probably never see the light of day again.

As per custom, I practiced the art of Bigamy to see if having multiple wives affects your morality. It doesn't, like last time, but it does affect you in your wallet. You have to pay to keep your wife happy, you have to pay to keep your kids happy, you have to visit them or you'll get a divorce and shame you and your all forefathers. It's all so much work.

Also, what the hell virtual sperm? I've had sex twice, and both times resulted in my wives popping out a kid. I have got to be the most fertile man on the goddamn PLANET. That or my idiot character has never heard of "pulling out". Seriously, it's simple, why can't he grasp that concept?

On the other hand I'll totally risk STDs to see if I can get the hookers pregnant. It'll be like burning your hand to see if you can get rid of fingerprints.

On a final note, goddamn is it easy to earn money in that game. I mean, seriously, godDAMN.

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