Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time to get this party started

Woo! Party! Let's celebrate with dancing!

Yeah! Let's dance in this motherfucker! Dance like it's fucking 1999.

I suppose I should get a bit of cake too, but you know what? Fuck traditions. Plus I'm too poor to afford a whole cake anyway. Not to mention you ingrates would wolf it down without leaving me a single slice. Especially you. Yeah, YOU. Not the other guy, you, right there. Yeah, I'm talking to you fattie, don't pretend that you can't hear me. You'd eat all my cake, and then probably drink all my punch too. You're the reason I don't have either of those things here right now.

I don't really have much to say right now, but I'm sure by next week I'll have some half assed review of my first impressions of either LittleBigPlanet or Fable II, seeing as how I'll be getting both the day they come out. My poor wallet will fell the burn so bad, it'll swear it has chlamydia.

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