Monday, November 24, 2008

Left U Dead

So I've recently gotten a copy of Left 4 Dead over Steam, and I have to say that it's fucking awesome. Whereas Dead Rising left me severely disappointed as a zombie apocalypse game, Left 4 Dead has left me super impressed. There's nothing better than taking down wave after wave of zombies with three other friends... except taking down wave after wave of zombies with three other friends and then you switch gears and play AS the zombies.

I'm in love with Versus mode. Oh am I EVER in love with Versus mode. Playing as the special infected is so much fun. There isn't a class I DON'T enjoy playing as. However I do have clear favorites (Tank of course, but after him it's Smoker). Since getting the game that is where I've spent most of my time. Single player is good, and 4 player co-op is better, but this game was BUILT around it's versus feature, and it's the clear winner.

I'm also terrible at the game because I always forget there's friendly fire, unlike Team Fortress 2.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I survived Nuclear fallout, and all I got was this stupid greaser jacket.

Oh boy, let me tell you about my experiences with Fallout 3, and not the "oh its an awesome game" bits either.

So I pre-purchased it on Steam, and waited for it to be available to download. Well, I start the download, then a few hours later, I pause it and go to bed. Then I wake up and see that the download is at... 0%. Okaaaay. That's... inconvenient, but whatever. I'll just start the download over. About 10% in, it messes up somehow and goes into "update" mode. Only the update doesn't move. Allright, I just delete all the content, and start over. Then pause and go to bed again. When I wake up, the 13% I had decided it didn't love me anymore and went back down to 0% AGAIN.

Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy. Delete local content, I download it AGAIN, and this time it goes through. Joy of joys! I start the game up, only to find it's the INSTALLER. I thought the point of buying games off Steam was so you DIDN'T have to install them. Whatever, I go through with it. Only WAIT I CAN'T IT'S GIVING ME SOME SORT OF ERROR MESSEGE. So I try doing what it tells me to, only I forget what it told me to do, so I start it back up to see what the error was, but the damn thing flashes on and off in about a fourth of a second, not even giving me a chance to look at it.

So now I'm frustrated enough to go to Steam tech support. They tell me to fucking UNINSTALL STEAM AND DELETE ALL MY GAMES. Let me tell you, my internet is shit, I told them that my internet is shit, I made it damn clear that my internet is literally poop from a butt, and they tell me the only solution to this shit is to delete and re-download everything? No. I refuse. So I bought the game on the PC again, only a hard copy, and now it works. I'm fine with it, a crash here and there, but from what I understand that's commonplace and it's not pissing me off so much as to complain about that, especially given what I had to go through just to get the damn thing on my machine.

I haven't played very much of it, but the tutorial section is pretty damn clever, making you a baby to teach you how to walk and junk.

Also I've beat Fable 2, and I have to say that the mission you get from buying Castle Fairfax is WEIRD AS SHIT.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apparently I am SUPER fertile.

No, not in real life. If I was in real life, I'd have to just never have sex, because hell if I'm creating one of those little demonspawn they call children. No, I am talking about Fable 2. I got it yesterday and already it's Fable all over again. When I got Fable, I was gone so long they had me declared legally dead. It took months, no, YEARS of therapy to get me properly integrated back into society. Now the second one is out, and it's like the first on steroids, meaning I will probably never see the light of day again.

As per custom, I practiced the art of Bigamy to see if having multiple wives affects your morality. It doesn't, like last time, but it does affect you in your wallet. You have to pay to keep your wife happy, you have to pay to keep your kids happy, you have to visit them or you'll get a divorce and shame you and your all forefathers. It's all so much work.

Also, what the hell virtual sperm? I've had sex twice, and both times resulted in my wives popping out a kid. I have got to be the most fertile man on the goddamn PLANET. That or my idiot character has never heard of "pulling out". Seriously, it's simple, why can't he grasp that concept?

On the other hand I'll totally risk STDs to see if I can get the hookers pregnant. It'll be like burning your hand to see if you can get rid of fingerprints.

On a final note, goddamn is it easy to earn money in that game. I mean, seriously, godDAMN.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

nyerrrrrrrrrrrd raaaaaaaage

LittleBigPlanet got pushed back a week, all it's copies have been recalled, and everywhere PS3 owners are punching themselves in the dick. I've been waiting for this game for forever, and now they got to ship it out all over again because of some stupid shit they didn't catch the first time. Something about lyrics or whatever, I dunno. Okay, so I do know, I just don't want to talk about it all that much. Long story short, questionable lyrics due to passages from the Koran, game got pushed back due to PC crap, pee ess triple owners everywhere get the shaft for six days. Ah well, at least this gives me time to play Fable 2 a bit.

Also, because nobody cares, I have started a new game in Mass Effect. As per usual, I'm going through as a Soldier, because guns are the solution to all problems ever. Whoever says so otherwise will end up getting shot. By me. In the face. DISCLAIMER: You will not get shot in the face by me, I don't even own a gun. I do however have money and the will to hire several hitmen to shoot you in the face FOR me.

Also also, I have just finished reading the Darth Bane books, one of them being for the second time, and I almost forgot that I drew this while I was doing so.

Lookit them mitts!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time to get this party started

Woo! Party! Let's celebrate with dancing!

Yeah! Let's dance in this motherfucker! Dance like it's fucking 1999.

I suppose I should get a bit of cake too, but you know what? Fuck traditions. Plus I'm too poor to afford a whole cake anyway. Not to mention you ingrates would wolf it down without leaving me a single slice. Especially you. Yeah, YOU. Not the other guy, you, right there. Yeah, I'm talking to you fattie, don't pretend that you can't hear me. You'd eat all my cake, and then probably drink all my punch too. You're the reason I don't have either of those things here right now.

I don't really have much to say right now, but I'm sure by next week I'll have some half assed review of my first impressions of either LittleBigPlanet or Fable II, seeing as how I'll be getting both the day they come out. My poor wallet will fell the burn so bad, it'll swear it has chlamydia.

You should probably turn back now.

Hello, welcome aboard the U.S.S. I am your captain, Homestar.

I say this because I lack originality in every respect. This is a blog. A BLOG. Everyone has one of these now. You have one more likely then not. Hell, I'm pretty sure my DOG has one, and he doesn't even have opposable thumbs, so it probably looks like feasoofenofe feofofn feefoes 'feif'esf, or alternatively, "bow bow wow bow wow bow wow bark bark bark woof". Get it? It's because he's a DOG. That was in case you didn't get it. No, I'm not Tim Buckley, but I can be if you want. Please don't want me to be Tim Buckley. I BEG you.

God I'm only one paragraph into this thing and it's already a disaster. Why did I even start this thing again? Oh yes, to post my art (Yeah, I draw, and I'll be the first to admit that I suck at it), my meaningless video game reviews (because every nerd with an internet access doesn't do that already, m i rite), and my general thoughts, which usually consist of "I'm hungry. I should probably eat". I guess I could always make shit up about my life, but that would mean I'm some lame version of lonelygirl15 or Daxflame (not even two paragraphs in and I'm already making internet references, bravo me).

Okay, so I guess I'm being overly hard on myself. I mean, this could turn out good. This could turn out really good, I just need to get over the awkward phase of getting used to blogging. I tend to not make overly long posts at all. The only time I've ever written anything more than three paragraphs in length in one sitting outside of schoolwork is on my semi-dead-but-not-really deaviantART page, and that was mostly as a joke that probably only I found funny. I talked all fancy and shit, you should see it. It's pretty cool.

First and foremost, this will be an art blog. I need to post this stuff up in other places aside from my no-longer updating DeviantART page and the one forum I frequent. I personally love drawing. I'm not so good at it I think, but I have fun doing it, and that's all that matters. I do think I've improved as of late, but nowhere near professional levels. More like "durr look at my webcomic aint it purdy" levels. Not that there's anything wrong with webcomics, I actually read quite a bit of them, but still. Secondly, I guess would be the vidjyea gaem reviews. I play alot of games. And I do mean a LOT of goddamn games. It's kind of crazy, really. I could be doing something constructive, like College, or a real job outside of the retail monkey thing I've got going on, but no, I'd rather be at home playing video games.

Still though, I hope you enjoy my pointless faffing about, art, and general goings on. Welcome. Welcome to City 17. It's... SAFER here. (See? Here we are, right back at the "I'm an unoriginal douchebag" thing.)