Sunday, October 19, 2008

nyerrrrrrrrrrrd raaaaaaaage

LittleBigPlanet got pushed back a week, all it's copies have been recalled, and everywhere PS3 owners are punching themselves in the dick. I've been waiting for this game for forever, and now they got to ship it out all over again because of some stupid shit they didn't catch the first time. Something about lyrics or whatever, I dunno. Okay, so I do know, I just don't want to talk about it all that much. Long story short, questionable lyrics due to passages from the Koran, game got pushed back due to PC crap, pee ess triple owners everywhere get the shaft for six days. Ah well, at least this gives me time to play Fable 2 a bit.

Also, because nobody cares, I have started a new game in Mass Effect. As per usual, I'm going through as a Soldier, because guns are the solution to all problems ever. Whoever says so otherwise will end up getting shot. By me. In the face. DISCLAIMER: You will not get shot in the face by me, I don't even own a gun. I do however have money and the will to hire several hitmen to shoot you in the face FOR me.

Also also, I have just finished reading the Darth Bane books, one of them being for the second time, and I almost forgot that I drew this while I was doing so.

Lookit them mitts!

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