Sunday, November 2, 2008

I survived Nuclear fallout, and all I got was this stupid greaser jacket.

Oh boy, let me tell you about my experiences with Fallout 3, and not the "oh its an awesome game" bits either.

So I pre-purchased it on Steam, and waited for it to be available to download. Well, I start the download, then a few hours later, I pause it and go to bed. Then I wake up and see that the download is at... 0%. Okaaaay. That's... inconvenient, but whatever. I'll just start the download over. About 10% in, it messes up somehow and goes into "update" mode. Only the update doesn't move. Allright, I just delete all the content, and start over. Then pause and go to bed again. When I wake up, the 13% I had decided it didn't love me anymore and went back down to 0% AGAIN.

Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy. Delete local content, I download it AGAIN, and this time it goes through. Joy of joys! I start the game up, only to find it's the INSTALLER. I thought the point of buying games off Steam was so you DIDN'T have to install them. Whatever, I go through with it. Only WAIT I CAN'T IT'S GIVING ME SOME SORT OF ERROR MESSEGE. So I try doing what it tells me to, only I forget what it told me to do, so I start it back up to see what the error was, but the damn thing flashes on and off in about a fourth of a second, not even giving me a chance to look at it.

So now I'm frustrated enough to go to Steam tech support. They tell me to fucking UNINSTALL STEAM AND DELETE ALL MY GAMES. Let me tell you, my internet is shit, I told them that my internet is shit, I made it damn clear that my internet is literally poop from a butt, and they tell me the only solution to this shit is to delete and re-download everything? No. I refuse. So I bought the game on the PC again, only a hard copy, and now it works. I'm fine with it, a crash here and there, but from what I understand that's commonplace and it's not pissing me off so much as to complain about that, especially given what I had to go through just to get the damn thing on my machine.

I haven't played very much of it, but the tutorial section is pretty damn clever, making you a baby to teach you how to walk and junk.

Also I've beat Fable 2, and I have to say that the mission you get from buying Castle Fairfax is WEIRD AS SHIT.


Cavil said...

I would've tried taking the "steamapps" folder and placed it somewhere while I uninstalled Steam, and then move the folder back into the Steam folder when it was done reinstalling myself. I mean, not sure if it'd work, but it would've been worth a try.

Candin said...

Pfft. Like I have that kind of time or patience.