Thursday, October 16, 2008

You should probably turn back now.

Hello, welcome aboard the U.S.S. I am your captain, Homestar.

I say this because I lack originality in every respect. This is a blog. A BLOG. Everyone has one of these now. You have one more likely then not. Hell, I'm pretty sure my DOG has one, and he doesn't even have opposable thumbs, so it probably looks like feasoofenofe feofofn feefoes 'feif'esf, or alternatively, "bow bow wow bow wow bow wow bark bark bark woof". Get it? It's because he's a DOG. That was in case you didn't get it. No, I'm not Tim Buckley, but I can be if you want. Please don't want me to be Tim Buckley. I BEG you.

God I'm only one paragraph into this thing and it's already a disaster. Why did I even start this thing again? Oh yes, to post my art (Yeah, I draw, and I'll be the first to admit that I suck at it), my meaningless video game reviews (because every nerd with an internet access doesn't do that already, m i rite), and my general thoughts, which usually consist of "I'm hungry. I should probably eat". I guess I could always make shit up about my life, but that would mean I'm some lame version of lonelygirl15 or Daxflame (not even two paragraphs in and I'm already making internet references, bravo me).

Okay, so I guess I'm being overly hard on myself. I mean, this could turn out good. This could turn out really good, I just need to get over the awkward phase of getting used to blogging. I tend to not make overly long posts at all. The only time I've ever written anything more than three paragraphs in length in one sitting outside of schoolwork is on my semi-dead-but-not-really deaviantART page, and that was mostly as a joke that probably only I found funny. I talked all fancy and shit, you should see it. It's pretty cool.

First and foremost, this will be an art blog. I need to post this stuff up in other places aside from my no-longer updating DeviantART page and the one forum I frequent. I personally love drawing. I'm not so good at it I think, but I have fun doing it, and that's all that matters. I do think I've improved as of late, but nowhere near professional levels. More like "durr look at my webcomic aint it purdy" levels. Not that there's anything wrong with webcomics, I actually read quite a bit of them, but still. Secondly, I guess would be the vidjyea gaem reviews. I play alot of games. And I do mean a LOT of goddamn games. It's kind of crazy, really. I could be doing something constructive, like College, or a real job outside of the retail monkey thing I've got going on, but no, I'd rather be at home playing video games.

Still though, I hope you enjoy my pointless faffing about, art, and general goings on. Welcome. Welcome to City 17. It's... SAFER here. (See? Here we are, right back at the "I'm an unoriginal douchebag" thing.)


Anonymous said...

Hawk, you twat, I didn't even read what you wrote because I have math to do.

Love, MyDoom.

Candin said...

I really didn't read what I wrote either, I just kept on typing and occasionally (read: all the fucking time) fixed a spelling error or eighty.

Because I suck at spelling, you see.